7. Chocolate
For pets, [death chocolate] is definitely not a tasty target for their taste buds; This is a serious matter. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to cats and dogs. The darker the chocolate, the higher the theobromine content (so white chocolate definitely has less theobromine than dark chocolate), and it's best to keep your pets away from all chocolate products. After consumption, pets can experience: severe drooling, frequent urination, dilated pupils, rapid heart rate, vomiting and diarrhea, extreme hyperactivity, high energy, muscle twitching, and severe coma.

8. Lay eggs
Raw eggs contain a protein called albumin, which depletes the body of vitamin H, which is essential for dog growth and fur health. In addition, raw eggs often contain germs, such as salmonella. Feeding raw eggs will eventually become a poison to the dog, which is more likely to cause vitamin H deficiency. Signs of vitamin H deficiency: weak hair loss, growth retardation, bone deformities. If you really want to give the child to eat eggs, it is best to cook the egg yolk for the best!
9. Onions and garlic
Toxins in Onions and garlic destroy red blood cells in cats and dogs. Your pet may not have a serious problem from eating garlic or Onions, but Onions and garlic powder can concentrate these toxins and increase their concentration, which means that these products are more dangerous to cats and dogs. Usually the symptoms will appear a few days after the digestion of food, manifested as hematuria, rapid pulse, weakness and other symptoms, then the shovel must take it to see the pet doctor.
10. Wild Mushrooms
Let alone pets, even humans are not allowed to eat wild fungi. So when you take your pet for a walk, you'd better keep the curious ones away from wild mushrooms. Fungi have no direct benefits for pets themselves. So to be on the safe side, don't let your pet eat anything you shouldn't eat either.
11. Corn cobs
Many dogs love corn cobs, but if a dog munches on corn cobs, it can seriously clog up his digestive system, putting him in a very dangerous and painful state, and possibly leading to death.
If you want to treat your dog to a treat of corn cobs, remember to pit them and make sure the lid is on after the cobs are thrown into the trash can! To keep them from digging through the trash.

12. Alcohol
Think of all the effects that alcohol has on humans. If your pet consumes alcohol, the same effects can happen to them, but due to their smaller size and different metabolic rates, the effects of alcohol on their body are faster and more severe. In other words, it only takes a small amount of alcohol to give them alcoholism and cause them to go into coma, shock, or even death.
13. Stone fruit
Stone fruits such as apricots, plums, peaches, cherries, etc. are great treats for your pets, but don't let them swallow the pits. The seeds of these fruits contain cyanide, which can be deadly to humans and dogs. Cyanide can be present in the intestines and kill the dog without warning within 24 hours.
14. Animal bones
While you might think giving your dog a bone to chew on is the perfect reward, it's actually dangerous and deadly. Bone fragments can get stuck in your pet's digestive system and puncture or tear the membranes of the digestive organs. This could mean an emergency trip to the pet hospital, or even death if an internal injury causes a bacterial infection.
If you want to exchange more knowledge about pets, please contact me: brenda@pethuhou.com