Does your cat have these 8 characteristics? This shows that the cat’s “body” is very healthy!
A cat owner who has a strong body means that he is a healthy cat and has a high quality of life. If you have all these 8 characteristics,
it means that your cat owner has a great "body". Come and see if you have any cat owners?
1. Smooth hair
A healthy cat's hair should be soft and neatly arranged, with no stray or sparse areas. Usually appears as a body with smooth and shiny hair. You can tell whether a cat owner is healthy by observing his or her appearance.2. Moderate weight
You can feel the state of the cat's bones and muscles by touching its body. If you can feel some hard muscles, it means the cat's weight is just right. A healthy cat's weight should be within a healthy range and remain constant. Being overweight or too thin may affect the health of cat owners.

3. Mobility and posture
Healthy cat owners are usually very mobile and able to maintain their graceful posture and steps. They should be able to move and jump freely without appearing sluggish or listless. If you observe your cat moving sluggishly, limping, or unable to move normally, it may be a sign of a medical problem.
4. Eyes are bright and clearA healthy cat owner should have bright, clear eyes without any abnormal discharge or redness. The cat owner's corneas should be clear and clear, without any blurring or turbidity. If you notice abnormalities in your cat's eyes, it could be a sign of a bacterial infection or other health problem.

5. A healthy nose
Healthy cat owners usually have a moist and clean nose without excessive discharge. A healthy nose should appear moist, with no obvious signs of dryness, cracking, or pain.
6. Ear healthA healthy cat owner's ears should be clean, with no visible discharge or cerumen inside. The skin of the ears should be pale pink with no signs of redness, sores, or itching. If you notice your cat is constantly scratching his ears or shaking his head, it could be a sign of a bacterial ear infection or other health problem.
7. Digestive system is normalOne of the important indicators of health is that the cat owner’s digestive system is good, which can ensure that the cat owner has a good appetite. A cat owner's normal feces should be brown, well-shaped and moist, with no obvious odor or strange color.
If your cat’s excrement appears to be abnormal, such as strange color, excessive smell of cat feces, etc., it may be caused by eating low-quality cat food or food that is not easy to digest. For such a situation, it is recommended to promptly replace the cat with good-quality, easily digestible cat food, which can provide the nutrients the cat needs and reduce the occurrence of digestive problems.