1. Shooting time and location in the morning or afternoon will give people a special warm feeling, and the light is soft. In the morning, the sun is usually soft, and the light is soft to take beautiful photos. The afternoon is generally sunny weather, the sunshine is softer and the light is stronger, which is conducive to taking aesthetic photos. If it is to shoot in the evening or take the dog out for a walk and other scenes, you can choose to shoot in a place with low light at night. If it is an indoor scene shooting, it is recommended that you do not shoot indoors, but choose to shoot outdoors.

2. Composition during shooting
Composition is very important if you want to take good
pet photos! Composition is very important for people who take pictures of dogs or make them happy and sad, so it is best to place the subject in two central points when shooting dogs, and make sure that there are not too many photos. This way, the dog will focus on different parts of the picture. We should also pay attention to the use of telephoto lenses for photo cropping, so that the figures in the picture appear larger and more prominent. In the use of large aperture, telephoto lens should pay attention to focus problems, if you feel that the camera automatic mode is not enough, we can use manual mode for shooting.

3. The way you take pictures
If you want to take pictures of
dogs, it must be an interesting experience. Before shooting, you need to take a moment to observe your pet and understand what your dog is thinking right now. For example, you can interact with them, they will smile at you happily, and then you can take a picture with them. In addition, you can play toys or games with them, as well as have them lie in front of you or take a few photos while lying on the couch.