The right way to train your dog
The right way to train your dog
Dogs are man's best friend. They live and grow with us like family members. Surely many dog families know that young dogs and children, lively and cute but also ignorant, need to teach them to do a lot of things. So, how do you train a dog? Below, let's take a look at the correct way to train your dog.
The right way to train your dog
1、How to train the dog's excretion
One of the first, and most controversial, training that must begin is to train a puppy to defecate outside. Excretion training is the best time to use positive reinforcers, that is, various food and toy rewards. In addition to reinforcing this behavior by rewarding your pet when it gets it right, another secret is to predict when your pet will be excreting.
Dogs usually defecate after walking, eating, drinking, or playing, or when you are not careful. For training to be effective, you need to carefully observe your dog's eating and drinking, and set up a safe zone where your dog will never defecate. The ideal safe place is a dog's den. If you don't have a dog crate at home, try to let the puppy solve in the bathroom or laundry room.

2、Train the dog's obedience
The use of puppy obedience is an interesting topic in training. Puppies are generally considered to be six months old before formal training begins. But many dogs learn bad behavior before they are six months old. A puppy who was not thought to be able to learn to sit still can learn to chew every shoe he can find or jump on every customer. Focus on using positive rewards to train the right behavior.
3、The correct signal to train the dog
Everyone knows that when training a dog, one must clearly tell the dog "no!" The signal. In fact, when the dog is right, a signal to praise the dog "good behavior" is just as important. If there is no such signal, it is equivalent to forcing the dog to guess, and guessing which behavior can be rewarded. This trial-and-error method takes a lot of time before the dog accidentally guesses correctly, and there is no reward for trying.
4. Associate signals with rewards
The first step in making the "good dog" signal work is to choose a short, easily recognizable password. A simple example is to shorten a sentence like "good dog, good dog, mommy's little baby" to a password like "good dog". Start by saying "good boy" and giving the dog a treat. Repeat about twenty times. Note: Say "good" first, then the order of food is very important; Pause a little between saying "be good" and giving food. Soon, the puppy will respond to your chosen password and begin to expect a prize. In other words, you have successfully established the "behave" password. Now you have a powerful tool to quickly tell your dog that he did the right thing.
5、 Use of the subject matter
Most puppies will resist unhappily when forced to sit down. A better approach is to trigger the dog's instinct to follow the target. When a person puts some food on the dog's nose, it will naturally turn its head as the food moves; If the food moved away, the dog would stand up and follow the food. We can try this method and train the dog to sit down, and we will find the advantages of this method.
6、Train the dog to come
Training your dog to come to you when you call him is an important behavioral training. Here are some quick steps to help your dog learn: 1. Make your dog sit. 2. Take a step back. 3. Say "Come" to the dog. 4. Place the prize at your feet and make sure the dog sees it. 5. The puppy should get up and come over and want to eat the prize. 6. Say "Good boy" to the puppy before his mouth touches the prize. 7. Extend the time the puppy sits still and the distance between the prize and the puppy. 8. Try saying "come" to your puppy outside of training.
7. How to use punishment
When training a puppy, you must establish that punishment is used to correct inappropriate behavior. In the past few years, punishment has become almost taboo. Many people mistakenly believe that punishment is a cruel or even useless training tool. In fact, as long as the punishment is applied in the right way and timing, it is quite effective in prohibiting the dog from doing a certain behavior. Traditional punishment is usually given long after the dog has made a mistake, according to the owner's mood. This old-fashioned punishment is not so much training as retribution for disobedience. People who train dogs in a completely positive way are certainly respectable, but those who know how to properly use punishment to achieve training goals are even rarer.
8. Correct the habit of jumping on people
For example, to correctly break a dog's habit of jumping on a guest, it is not necessary to hurt him. First, you need to find something that your dog really doesn't like, such as a water gun or a spray can filled with water. Then, try to get the dog to associate the water gun with a signal that it is no longer acceptable to do so. The word "no" tells the dog that this behavior will be punished.
9、How to prevent the dog from biting
Another situation where disciplining is appropriate is to prevent dogs from biting. The first line of defense to prevent a dog from biting is to keep the dog out of the wrong things. Put your shoes in the closet and close the door. Keep expensive books on the bookcase, not on the coffee table. Most owners underestimate a puppy's ability to find something to chew on. The only way to ensure a safe environment for your dog is to teach him what he can play with and what he can keep away from.
10. Limit the puppy's range of activity
If you want to stop the dog from roaming as soon as possible, you need to set a limit that it must not cross. Many people use a fence to keep a dog in, but although a fence can keep a dog in, it is very inconvenient to use. It is better to use a rope to limit the puppy's range of movement. First, go to the hardware store and buy a colored string. Then put a small piece in the doorway or hallway.
Early training is the foundation
If you want to have a well-behaved puppy, early training is essential. Sending the puppy to a special training school and the guidance of a personal trainer are effective training methods. Start training your puppy early, and when it grows up, it can be a dog that you can be proud of, rather than a dog that people protest everywhere and even force you to move.
The right way to train your dog
1、How to train the dog's excretion
One of the first, and most controversial, training that must begin is to train a puppy to defecate outside. Excretion training is the best time to use positive reinforcers, that is, various food and toy rewards. In addition to reinforcing this behavior by rewarding your pet when it gets it right, another secret is to predict when your pet will be excreting.
Dogs usually defecate after walking, eating, drinking, or playing, or when you are not careful. For training to be effective, you need to carefully observe your dog's eating and drinking, and set up a safe zone where your dog will never defecate. The ideal safe place is a dog's den. If you don't have a dog crate at home, try to let the puppy solve in the bathroom or laundry room.

2、Train the dog's obedience
The use of puppy obedience is an interesting topic in training. Puppies are generally considered to be six months old before formal training begins. But many dogs learn bad behavior before they are six months old. A puppy who was not thought to be able to learn to sit still can learn to chew every shoe he can find or jump on every customer. Focus on using positive rewards to train the right behavior.
3、The correct signal to train the dog
Everyone knows that when training a dog, one must clearly tell the dog "no!" The signal. In fact, when the dog is right, a signal to praise the dog "good behavior" is just as important. If there is no such signal, it is equivalent to forcing the dog to guess, and guessing which behavior can be rewarded. This trial-and-error method takes a lot of time before the dog accidentally guesses correctly, and there is no reward for trying.
4. Associate signals with rewards
The first step in making the "good dog" signal work is to choose a short, easily recognizable password. A simple example is to shorten a sentence like "good dog, good dog, mommy's little baby" to a password like "good dog". Start by saying "good boy" and giving the dog a treat. Repeat about twenty times. Note: Say "good" first, then the order of food is very important; Pause a little between saying "be good" and giving food. Soon, the puppy will respond to your chosen password and begin to expect a prize. In other words, you have successfully established the "behave" password. Now you have a powerful tool to quickly tell your dog that he did the right thing.
5、 Use of the subject matter
Most puppies will resist unhappily when forced to sit down. A better approach is to trigger the dog's instinct to follow the target. When a person puts some food on the dog's nose, it will naturally turn its head as the food moves; If the food moved away, the dog would stand up and follow the food. We can try this method and train the dog to sit down, and we will find the advantages of this method.
6、Train the dog to come
Training your dog to come to you when you call him is an important behavioral training. Here are some quick steps to help your dog learn: 1. Make your dog sit. 2. Take a step back. 3. Say "Come" to the dog. 4. Place the prize at your feet and make sure the dog sees it. 5. The puppy should get up and come over and want to eat the prize. 6. Say "Good boy" to the puppy before his mouth touches the prize. 7. Extend the time the puppy sits still and the distance between the prize and the puppy. 8. Try saying "come" to your puppy outside of training.
7. How to use punishment
When training a puppy, you must establish that punishment is used to correct inappropriate behavior. In the past few years, punishment has become almost taboo. Many people mistakenly believe that punishment is a cruel or even useless training tool. In fact, as long as the punishment is applied in the right way and timing, it is quite effective in prohibiting the dog from doing a certain behavior. Traditional punishment is usually given long after the dog has made a mistake, according to the owner's mood. This old-fashioned punishment is not so much training as retribution for disobedience. People who train dogs in a completely positive way are certainly respectable, but those who know how to properly use punishment to achieve training goals are even rarer.
8. Correct the habit of jumping on people
For example, to correctly break a dog's habit of jumping on a guest, it is not necessary to hurt him. First, you need to find something that your dog really doesn't like, such as a water gun or a spray can filled with water. Then, try to get the dog to associate the water gun with a signal that it is no longer acceptable to do so. The word "no" tells the dog that this behavior will be punished.
9、How to prevent the dog from biting
Another situation where disciplining is appropriate is to prevent dogs from biting. The first line of defense to prevent a dog from biting is to keep the dog out of the wrong things. Put your shoes in the closet and close the door. Keep expensive books on the bookcase, not on the coffee table. Most owners underestimate a puppy's ability to find something to chew on. The only way to ensure a safe environment for your dog is to teach him what he can play with and what he can keep away from.
10. Limit the puppy's range of activity
If you want to stop the dog from roaming as soon as possible, you need to set a limit that it must not cross. Many people use a fence to keep a dog in, but although a fence can keep a dog in, it is very inconvenient to use. It is better to use a rope to limit the puppy's range of movement. First, go to the hardware store and buy a colored string. Then put a small piece in the doorway or hallway.
Early training is the foundation
If you want to have a well-behaved puppy, early training is essential. Sending the puppy to a special training school and the guidance of a personal trainer are effective training methods. Start training your puppy early, and when it grows up, it can be a dog that you can be proud of, rather than a dog that people protest everywhere and even force you to move.
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