What cats think when they are in a daze is actually related to the cat's experience. In a 2017 experiment, a research team at Kyoto University found that cats may have episodic memory and that they accidentally record certain information even when they don't try hard to remember.

For example, Che Che may still remember that the cans he ate yesterday were beef-flavored... However, some studies have found that cats' short-term memory time for food tests can be as high as 16 hours. Long-term memory, which has been consolidated many times, can even last for 10 years. But cats only store information that they think is "useful". For cats at home, the most important and useful information in their lives is how to eat, drink, and play...

For example, who often feeds TA, the cat may think "then who", eager to get food from him next time. And in the interview, researchers at Kyoto University also said that cats may sometimes spontaneously fall into memories like humans. So in the world of cats, TA can think about the chicken-flavored cat strips he ate yesterday, or he might think about the hunting skills he had when he was in the rivers and lakes a few years ago...
Although sometimes, the cat seems to be in a daze, but TA stays in a specific area, and it is already expressing you with body language...

For example, when you are in front of the rice bowl, you may be thinking "why don't you have dinner yet";
When in front of the litter box, you may be thinking "this litter box is not clean";
When staying in the safe zone, you may be thinking "don't want anything to bother me"...
As kittens, what can TAs think in their little heads, not just eating, drinking and having fun~ And who is the person who provides the cats with these necessities, TAs will often think of who... Therefore, in the cat's mind, he will still think of his favorite owner!