Human beings often exhale long breaths and sigh because of sadness and depression, and feel unhappy. Cats also sigh for various reasons, but most of them are when they are satisfied and relaxed. Therefore, projecting human emotions onto a cat, and interpreting its behavior, is sometimes inapplicable, and
a cat's sigh appears to be a physiological shift into a deeper state of relaxation.
This statement is based on some well-founded speculations based on cats sighing in different scenarios and their behavior when sighing, for example:
1. Happy, relaxed sigh
When scratching the cat's head, especially behind the ears and under the chin, it may sigh; when the cat is sleeping comfortably in the soft litter box, it is very helpful to squint its eyes and enter a deep state of relaxation. There might be a sigh too.
2. Drowsy sighStephanie Langtry, M.D., veterinarian, says that a deep sigh is a sign that the pet is lethargic. When observing the behavior of cats before going to bed in daily life, you will find that sometimes cats yawn and sigh before going to bed. It seems that deep breathing and deep breathing can help them relax their muscles and release tension, making it easier Put it to sleep quickly.
3. Sigh when boredThis is very suitable for human beings. Sometimes human beings will sigh involuntarily when they are bored. The same is true for cats. When the cat is bored in every possible way at home and can't arouse interest in anything, it may also sigh. Sighing in this scene is often a sighing sound due to lack of activity, lack of play, and lack of mental and physical stimulation. It is a way for them to express unhappiness.

Although cats and cats sigh mostly when they are satisfied and relaxed, if they sigh frequently or are accompanied by moaning, pain and some abnormal behaviors, it may be that there is a problem with the body. Be sure to pay more attention to observation or take the cat to the hospital for examination~